Why Us?
At 7Global Connect, our mission is to provide avant-garde web hosting technologies. Our hosting services arrive with ample data space and traffic allotments, domain name registration & transfer options, user-friendly Domain and Email Managers, multi-website hosting options, as well as charge-free bonus tools, including a single-click PHP scripts installer and a web site building tool. All hosting accounts can be easily managed via our multilingual Control Panel. A 24x7 customer support service is available too.

A point-and-click Control Panel
With your web hosting plan, you will get our in-house built hosting Control Panel, which will make administering your web presence a breeze. With a single click, you will be able to upload a file, to register a domain or to set up a new email mailbox. It's just that easy! You will also be granted access to exhaustive real-time traffic stats.

An all-embracing Domain Manager
Our proprietary web hosting CP comes with a full-featured domain management interface from where you will be able to administer multiple domains simultaneously. You will be able to register and transfer domains with a single click and to manage all their settings via this easy-to-use GUI. You will be able to update your WHOIS information and name servers, to lock/unlock domains and much more.

A drag & drop File Manager
Your hosting plan includes an easy-to-use file administration interface from where you can handle your files by means of simple drag & drop maneuvers. It is integrated into our proprietary Control Panel and enables you to upload, download, archive, unarchive, move and copy files easily. Built-in file editors will allow you to manage your files without having to exit the Control Panel.

Different datacenter locations
Since the datacenter location exerts a big impact on the performance of your site, we permit you to pick from a number of data center facility locations so that you can host your web site close to your visitors. We partner with 3 datacenters located in the USA, in Britain and in Australia. On the signup form, just select your hosting plan and then select the data center facility that you wish and we'll activate your account there uickly.

A cost-free web site builder
Our web hosting plans feature a point-and-click website builder, which offers over 150 web templates for your personal or corporate web sites. It's amazingly easy to use - simply select a web theme and add your textual and visual content. Your new web site will be visible online within a few minutes.

A money-back guarantee
We offer high-quality web hosting solutions and a 24-7 customer service. With us, you will enjoy the fastest web page load speed possible. If you are not satisfied with the offered speeds and with the service quality, then you can take advantage of our unconditional 30-day MBG. So, signing up with us is totally riskless.